

Implementation of Energy Conservation & Efficiency Measures

UWI Lighting Retrofit Project - The Bulb Eater


Given the significant impact on UWI’s energy bill based on externalities such as the unpredictability of oil prices and its attendant effect on electricity charges, there is a concerted effort being made by UWI to accelerate the implementation of a set of energy conservation and efficiency projects. Environmental & Engineering Managers Ltd. (EEM) was contracted by UWI to provide consultancy services including technical advice and project management services to oversee the implementation of these projects.

One of these projects is the Lighting Retrofit Project which has as its principal objective to achieve a significant level of reduction in UWI's electrical energy consumption (kWh) which should translate into a reduction in its energy charges by JPS.

Acquisition and Use of the Bulb Eater
A special feature of the Lighting Retrofit Project is the acquisition by UWI of a machine to dispose of the used fluorescent tubes in an environmentally friendly manner. Fluorescent bulbs contain mercury vapour and other elements classified as hazardous substances and hence the disposal of used fluorescent lamps should be in keeping with sound environmental practices.

From research conducted by EEM, we noted that the lighting industry currently utilizes a lamp pulverizer which has suitable filters to capture and retain 99.9% of the hazardous vapours used in fluorescent lamps and hence prevent their escape into the atmosphere.

EEM selected, on behalf of UWI, the lamp pulverizing device supplied by Air Cycle Corporation of Chicago, USA, called the Bulb Eater. This is a crushing device with three sets of filters to trap and retain the hazardous vapours found in fluorescent lamps.

Services Related to the Bulb Eater Provided by EEM

  • Research and technical evaluation of fluorescent lamp pulverizers
  • Collaboration with Supplier in determining appropriate specifications and list of spares for UWI’s operations
  • Receipt and inspection of Bulb Eater upon delivery to UWI
  • Assemble and test the operation of the Bulb Eater
  • Development of Operator’s Training Manual for the Bulb Eater
  • Procurement of safety equipment and other Personal Protective Equipment for Operators
  • Conduct Operators’ Training with selected staff
  • Replacement of filters based on utilization of machine in keeping with manufacturer's recommendation.

To date UWI has utilized the Bulb Eater in crushing fluorescent tubes of varying lengths removed during the Lighting Retrofit Project filling three (3) 55 gallon drums, an estimated 2,400 tubes.


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