How We Give Back
Environmental and Engineering Managers Ltd (EEM), has made donations in cash and kind to institutions and charitable organizations which were established to assist the most vulnerable persons in Jamaica and within the Caribbean. The company also recognizes the importance of the professional development of students and have sponsored students to attend a conference and youth exchange programmes.
EEM is committed to doing its part to promote the well-being of individuals and the wider environment and will continue to look for those opportunities where it can lend a hand.
EEM considers its corporate social responsibility a priority, and therefore the company has made donations in both cash and kind over the years to several charitable organizations within Jamaica in support of their respective developmental agenda. Beneficiaries include:
-Abilities Foundation of Jamaica (2011);
-JOYST Youth Exchange (2014);
-Friends of Mona Rehab (2014);
-Guardian Group Foundation 5K Run/Walk (2016, 2017 & 2018);
-Sir John Golding Rehabilitation (2016, 2017);
-Food for the Poor (2017)
-Jamaica National Childrens Home (JNCH) in 2019.
-UTECH – sponsored 25 students’ participation in an Engineering Conference (2024)
In addition, EEM accommodated a JOYST Youth Exchange student from “TTTTT” on a 3-month apprenticeship programme in 200X. Also, one of EEM’s Directors is a Mentor under the Heart Trust/NTA Mentorship Programme.